Latest Developments

ISO 9001:2015
ADL Embedded Solutions is certified to the (ISO 9001:2015) quality management standard.

PC/104 Embedded Consortium
ADL Embedded Solutions is a member of the PC/104 Embedded Consortium

Intel® IoT Solutions Alliance
ADL Embedded Solutions is a General Member of the Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance

AIA Global Vision Association
ADL Embedded Solutions is a Systems Integrator member of
AIA Global Vision Systems Association

Better Business Bureau
ADL Embedded Solutions is a member of the BBB of San Diego and Imperial Counties

AFCEA Association
ADL Embedded Solutions is a Corporate member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

AUSA Association
ADL Embedded Solutions is a National Partner of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA)

AUVSI Association
ADL Embedded Solutions is a member of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)
Contact Us
Corporate Headquarters
ADL Embedded Solutions Inc.
4411 Morena Blvd. Suite 101
San Diego, CA 92117-4345
Toll-Free: 855-727-4200
T: 858-490-0597
F: 858-490-0599